Frequenty Asked Questions
What does a Podiatrist do?
A podiatrist is an allied health professional that is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of feet and lower limbs. Podiatrists can also treat knee, leg and back pain that arise due to foot complaints. In Queensland all podiatrists must be registered with the Podiatrists Registration Board and have completed a 3 year degree or equivalent.
Do I need a referral from my Doctor?
A referral is not required to see a podiatrist as a private client. However, DVA (Department of Veteran Affairs) and EPC (Enhanced Primary Care Program) clients will require a referral from their doctors.
Is podiatry covered under Medicare?
Podiatry is generally not covered under Medicare. Under the Medicare Plus scheme a GP can refer patients with chronic disabilities and illness to an Allied Health Provider for up to 5 visits per year. Please discuss your eligibility with your GP as you do require a referral and completed EPC (Enhanced Primary Care Program).
Is podiatry covered under private health insurance?
Podiatry is covered under private health insurance, however not under all levels of cover. The refund will depend on the health fund and the level of cover.
Can I claim my Private Health Rebate at the time of consultation?
No. Unfortunately as HICAPS machines are not yet available as a mobile device we are unable to offer rebates at the time of your consultation.
What are Orthotics?
Orthotics are specially designed in-shoe devices that help correct and help control abnormal foot and lower limb function. Orthotics can also be designed to accommodate and relieve pressure over painful areas. Orthotics can correct biomechanical abnormalities of the feet and lower limb which may contribute to knee, leg and back pain.
There are many types of orthotics available. Customised orthotics are manufactured from a cast of your feet, and prefabricated devices are pre-made and they come in a variety of materials, from very soft to rigid. No one type of orthotic or material is suitable for everyone. Matt has access to a large range of orthotic options, and can prescribe the most appropriate device for you following an assessment of your complaint and biomechanical assessment.
They can be prefabricated which means they are heat mouldable and allow for modifications to be made. They can also be custom made from a plaster cast of the feet. This process allows the orthotics to be customised to the client and their specific problem.